An Intro to Teaspoons of Spirituality

I remember when I first started yoga. The teacher was giving a dharma talk, which is usually a spiritual talk before a yoga class. I was so resistant to yoga. I recall doing an inner eye roll, as if to say “get on with it already.” What I did not realize at the time that the dharma talk was one of the many aspects of yoga that was most needed from me, which is a self-reflection topic to explore. Still….sometimes, I would be listening to a teacher give me what I perceived as a “lecture”on how to be. So naturally, I tuned out. When I became a yoga teacher, I didn’t forget how I would tune out long dharma talks (not to judge any teacher who gives longer dharma talks - what you have to say is important!). For me, I decided to give a more brief dharma talk that I have now coined as a “Teaspoon of Spirituality.” Enough to get you reflecting on your life, but not too much that you don’t check out of life. Enough humor to find the lightness in life, but not too goofy that you miss the spirituality theme. A Teaspoon of Spirituality is just enough to sweeten the palate of curiosity to explore a different perspective on life in hopes to bring you to a better sense of peace and contentment. Now, let’s begin!


First Teaspoon - Healing – Freedom from Poison