Personal Customized Therapeutic Approaches
Somatic Practices
Somatic Practices focus on the psychosomatic symptoms the individual may be experiencing, and may not be able to cognitively identify. Bessel van der Kolk coined the phrase "the body keeps score" citing that personal and generational trauma may be held in the body. I am training with van der Kolk, Peter Levine (creator of Somatic Experiencing) and others to bring the best modality to you. Through gentle somatic movements, you will work towards deeper levels of healing.
Mapping - A Client-Centered Approach
I believe the client has the answers within. With kind and compassionate guidance, we will work together to help you have an understanding of why you do what you do, develop alternative ways to approaching life's challenges, and gently guide you back to your higher Self. This Client-Centered approach is referred to as Mapping. My teacher, Jessica Patterson, said that a map is no good if you don't know where you are. I will help you navigate your way back to your innate Self.
Yoga Therapeutic Methodologies
Yoga Therapy is often confused with only the yoga postures. Yoga Therapeutic Methodologies are design to help you get comfortable with the uncomfortable aspects of life. Methods include (but are not limited to) breath work, mindfulness, meditation practices, creating an intention for long-term goals (sankalpa), empowering mantras and mudras, and functional yoga postures — all designed to meet the goals of the individual.
Narrative Insights
Narrative Insights bring awareness to the internal narrative we tell ourselves based on life experiences. By being mindful to the inner dialogue, we can sift through what is true and what has become a habitual response. In yoga, this is called samskara, habitual habits of the mind. With this understanding, we can gently guide you back to your authentic truth.
Forgiveness Therapy
Forgiveness Therapy teaches the individual how to take their power back after having experienced challenging life circumstances. This process of letting go is one that is approached with understanding what forgiveness means, cultivating compassion for the self, and offering gentle patience along the journey.
Energy Work: Reiki & Private Yoga
Energy Work is designed to work with the subtle energy body to address the subconscious mind. This may include Reiki, as well as addressing the chakra system. Private Yoga allows for a personalized yoga practice that focuses on the release of habitual held tension due to life experiences.