Second Teaspoon - Healing – Why the Rush?

I love Trevor Hall.  He has a song “You Can’t Rush Your Healing.”  This is true.  Think of a cut you may have on your arm.  You decide to us an antibiotic ointment that promises it will help expedite the healing process. You put it on in hopes it will deliver what it has promised.  Each day, you look at the cut, monitoring its healing progress.  Upon closer inspection you notice the scab has lifted a bit, so you pick at it.  Ugh, the wound is open again. Though you are not at the very start of your healing process, the cut needs to develop a scab again to protect the wound until it heals.  In the end, you realize you cannot rush the healing process.

So it goes for your emotional, mental, and/or spiritual healing.  Everyone heals at different paces.  The best is when you get someone wants you to heal at their pace and say random statements like, “You’re not over them yet?” or “You are still grieving their death?” or the ever popular, “Just let it go.” There is something called Emotional Quotient EQ, which is being aware of how a person’s words and actions can affect others.  Anyone who asks you those kinds of questions has a low EQ.  No harsh judgment towards them, it is a simple observation that they are like kids with scissors and are unaware of how their words can stab at your already existing emotional wound.  Therefore, take their comments with minimal attention.

You are to heal at your pace. Like the antibiotic ointment to your physical cut, find who and what supports you along the healing process.  Ultimately, the healing process is your responsibility (yup, we are back to the first teaspoon of spirituality).  Be careful of false ointments like recreation drugs, alcohol, and people who have their own emotional hurt they have not resolved projecting it onto you.  These will not help your healing.  In fact they will hinder your healing.  Discernment of who you surround yourself with and what you ingest physically, visually, and auditory (food, social media, etc) is key when working through your emotional, mental, and/or spiritual healing. 

I encourage you to be patient with yourself, offer yourself grace to grow, and allow yourself to heal at the pace that serves your spirit.


Third Teaspoon – Trail Markers – Where Are They Leading You?


First Teaspoon - Healing – Freedom from Poison