Third Teaspoon – Trail Markers – Where Are They Leading You?
I was walking in the woods where there were at least 20 trails to choose from. After I reached my destination point, it was time to head back to the parking lot where my car was. It was time to go home. After looking at my All Trails app, I headed in a different direction that would lead me to my destination in a most efficient way. I was happily walking along following the white trail markers, not giving a thought about whether or not I was going the right way. Last I checked, I was on the right trail, so I paid no mind anymore and blindly followed the markers. It wasn’t until I paused and looked up when I saw that, there was another marker pointing to the right that said “go this way.” What??? Where was I? I pulled out my All Trails app and it asked, “Taking a Scenic Route?” Holy poop - how long was I walking in the wrong direction??? Miles…yes, many miles I have walked in the wrong direction, following the white trail markers thinking they were leading me home. Sure, when I first started, it led me partially the way home, but then without my noticing, it bended and twisted in a direction that put me on a path leading to God knows where. I make the right turn, and head home, but this time, checking in occasionally to make sure I was on the right path.
We all have different “markers” in our life that we follow. Some markers may include what was taught to us as a child like “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all;” and other markers can come from different religious teachings like “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Christianity) “Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourself” (Islam) and “Love your fellow as yourself” (Jewish). Then there are societal markers like how to behave in an interview, or when to call someone if you are interested dating them (Do you wait one day? Two days? Oh the agony of this decision as not to look desperate!). We have all these different markers in our life that say do this, don’t do that, to lead us to…where? To be accepted? Approved of? To prove our worth?
The question I ask to you is this…are the markers you are following in your life leading you back home? In other words, are they leading you back to your higher self or are they leading you away from your higher self? Do you find yourself being loving, accepting and kind, or do you find yourself talking negatively and judging others who do not share your point of view? Please, please, please note, I am not here trying to judge anyone or looking for perfection. We all falter. The point I am making is to do like I did on the trail – pause and get your bearings. Are the markers you are following leading you to be the person you want to be? If you find yourself saying, “no, I made a wrong turn,” please be gentle with yourself. In Yoga, there is a Yama called Ahimsa, which translates loosely as “non-harming.” Please do not beat yourself up if you find that you were blindly following markers in life that were leading further from your higher self. Just like I did on the trail, pause and change your direction so you can find your way home. Your true home.