Seventh Teaspoon - Fear of Scarcity & Material Abundance

In yoga, there is a Yama called aparigraha. Some loose translations are non-attachment and non-greed. It explores the concept of how much do we really need, as well as explores where we can let go of our attachments to our possessions. Sounds easy, right? Wellllll, we live in a society that pushes consumerism to have more. Do not underestimate this peer pressure to have more, it plays on you forgetting your self-worth. In other words, your self-worth starts to be related to how much you have including house, car, job, what you look like, even your relationships and who you know. To let go of these material and superficial possessions means that you will also have to explore letting go of your attachment to your identity that is linked to these attachments. It’s very tricky - and marketers know that we have forgotten our true worth and play off of this forgetfulness.

Here is a truth - you are worthy based on your existence….plain and simple. Not by what you have, what you do, what you look like, what you have accomplished…you are worthy because of who you innately are. This means, you are worth loving for your own essence without anything to prove. You are worth feeling supported and cared for. You are worth receiving what you need to survive comfortably in this world.

Sadly, when the fear of scarcity comes into play, then greed can sneak in where we take more than what we need, or we do not share what we have. This sets everything off balance, when in this world, there is enough for everyone. It is our perception that throws off the balance.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs places the fundamentals of food/water, housing, and clothes at the foundational level of our development to self-actualization. Without this foundation, we will always be consumed with focusing on our scarcity. So I do not want to undermine this need. It is essential that we all have this basic fundamental need met. Yet, when is enough enough? I cannot answer that question for you - this is for you to explore within yourself.

I encourage you to explore if you have a fear of scarcity within you, and is it blocking you from living your iife in an authentic way to who you truly are. Is it having you hold onto a way of life that is not allowing you to come back to joyful existence? This is not a light exploration - it is one that delves deep into old belief systems that have been passed down through generations. If you do have a fear of scarcity that is blocking you from a fulfilling life, I encourage you to start a meditation practice that opens you to the abundance that Life has to offer you. Now, for this blog, I am talking about material abundance, but there are other kinds of abundance as well, which I will talk more about in the future. But for now, take a moment out of your day, breath into any old fears of scarcity and proving your self-worth through material and superficial possessions. Gently offer yourself a moment of reprieve to know that you are enough and worthy to receive the abundance that Life has to offer to you based on your innate worth.


Eighth Teaspoon - What’s Draining Your Battery?


Sixth Teaspoon - Seeing When Ready to See